Duplex villa for sale@boduppal

:white_check_mark: DUPLEX VILLA FOR SALE :white_check_mark:


:point_right:220 Square Yards

:point_right:4 BHK

:point_right:North/East Facing


:point_right:2 Master Bedroom 16x12

:point_right:1 Master Bedroom 13x12

:point_right:1 Bedroom 10x17

:point_right:Big Hall with Living Room

:point_right:Second hall in first floor
Open modular kitchen with Dining

:point_right:Fully Furnished with wardrobes, Cots and AC
Portico in Ground and First Floor

:point_right:Fall Cieling For Entire House

:point_right:Fully Ventilated

:point_right:Doors with Vineer

:point_right:3400 Sft Built up Area

:point_right:Stairs from inside and outside
:point_right: 3 Cots
:point_right: 5 Ac’s

:point_right:Granite Dining table
Granite flooring for entire house

:point_right:3 attached spacious washroom

:point_right:2 common washrooms

:point_right:30 feet Road in North and East side

:point_right:Price - 2.50 CR

:point_right:Clear Title

:house:π€πŠπ’ 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄
:globe_with_meridians: www.aksrealtors.com